SD 11: Career and Life Planning – 1 credit, 1 hour
Course Coordinator: Samantha Sierra
Catalog Description: This course will examine various career options in relation to students’ interests, abilities, aptitudes and values. Students will learn how to plan and use their college experiences to prepare for future work and leisure. Topics include self-assessment, the nature of work, contemporary changes in careers and work ethic, jobs and lifestyles. Individual research and exploration of occupations are provided. Instruction and practical assignments explore the techniques of employment preparation, decision making, goal planning and communication.
College Now Description: Through self-assessment inventories, job-seeking techniques and labor-market research, students explore careers in relation to their abilities, interests and choice of college. Topics include the nature of work, contemporary changes in careers and work ethic, changing life styles, educational requirements for particular jobs, goal setting and decision making. As with SD 10, this class meets at a number of high schools throughout the year and at Kingsborough in the summer.
SD 11 Core Competencies:
- Self-Assessment
- Decision Making
- Communication Skills
- Career Awareness
- Career Decision Making
- Goal Setting
- Employment Preparation
- Cultural Competence
- Interpersonal Skills
Course Objectives:
- Students will engage in a self-assessment process in which they will identify their own unique interests, abilities, values, strengths, challenges and technology needs.
- Students will actively engage and develop a model for comprehensive decision making.
- Students will demonstrate the acquisition of effective written and oral communication skills by producing an effective cover letter and participating in a mock job interview.
- Students will enhance their awareness as it relates to their ability to identify careers that are congruent with their interests, abilities, values, strengths and challenges. They will critically examine a variety of occupational areas and identify the steps in the process of career exploration.
- Students will conduct research with regard to these career choices and develop a list of possible career choices.
- Students will clarify and articulate short-term and long-term career goals and develop a plan for effective career planning that will lead them toward their career goals (i.e. years of study, internship, job sequence, etc).
- Students will create, modify, edit and perfect a resume that is representative of their skills, abilities, and experience. They will also demonstrate the acquisition of appropriate interview and networking skills.
- Students will develop an awareness of cultural norms and differences by identifying differences in cultural work styles and work ethics.
- Students will understand the basic elements of teamwork and understand the need to work with others in collaboration as they participate as a member of a team to make decisions and solve problems.
Topical Course Outline:
Session I: Introduction to Career Decision-Making
- Course objectives and procedures are outlined.
- Assessment of specific group needs is conducted.
- Introductory exercises concerning personal goals, such as the “Future Projection” exercise, are completed in class.
- The process of career decision-making is examined and discussed.
- Applicability of the decision-making process to educational and career decisions is introduced.
Session II: Interest Assessment
- Students assess their vocational interest patterns by completing the Holland’s SDS . Results of the interest inventory are self-scored and are interpreted for each student. The role of interests and abilities in career decision-making is discussed.
Session III: Assessment of Values and Abilities
- A continuation of self-exploration, through assessment of values and abilities using exercises from the SD 11: Career and Life Planning Resource Guide such as “Work Values”, “Abilities/Skills Checklist”, and/or “Strength Work Roster”. The role of values and abilities in career decision-making is discussed.
- Instructors help students relate interests, abilities and values to future career choices.
- Introduction to various sources of career information, including the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, and the Encyclopedia of Careers.
- Relating career goals to choosing a college major.
Session IV: The Job Search
- Explore current and future occupational trends.
- Examine job search techniques.
- Students learn how to prepare resumes and cover letters.
- Techniques for successful job interviewing are explored. Role playing for job interview or an interview video may be shown and discussed.
Session V & VI: Student Presentations of Term Projects
- Submission of term project. A discussion by each student of the chosen career area. This is an interactive class in which each student presents briefly on the career he or she chose and the class has the opportunity to offer insights, encouragement and suggestion.
Method of Teaching : Class discussion format is used most frequently, supplemented by reading assignments, written work, lectures by guest speakers, and in-class activities such as role playing practice interviews. SD 11 faculty make use of the teaching suggestions and course materials that have been compiled in the SD 11: Career and Life Planning Resource Guide.
Method of Evaluation : A substantial term project (typically a research paper) is assigned. Faculty members may use a variety of additional means of assessment, including any or all of the following: written or oral reports, in-class writing activities, objective tests, essay tests, summaries of reading assignments, reaction papers, activity logs, sample resumes, job information interviews, and attendance and/or class participation.
Teacher Resource Materials: SD 11: Career and Life Planning Resource Guide
Reading Resources:
The Occupational Outlook Handbook – Bureau of Labor Statistics – Ref. 2000-2001.
The Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance – Ref. J.G. Ferguson, Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill: 1993.
Snook, I. Donald. Opportunities in Health & Medical Careers. Lincolnwood. Ill: V.G.M. Career Horizons, R697AYS56, 1991.
Traynor, William J. Opportunities in Human Resources Management Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill; V.G.M. Career Horizons, HF5549.2.U5T73, 1989.
Arpan, Jeffrey, S. Opportunities in International Business Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill: V.G.M. Career Horizons, HD27SS.5A76, 1989.
Yee, Silvia Mei-ling. Careers in the Classroom: When teaching a job is more than a job. N.Y.: Teachers College Press, LB1737.U6Y44, 1990.
Super, Charles, M. Opportunities in International Business Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill: V.G.M., BF76.S79, 1988.
- B-Financial Aid